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Lunchtime Talk: Using Mobile Movement Data to Understand Consumer Behaviour

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Join us at our Lunchtime Talk series that brings together the LEVEL3 and Unilever community to hear innovative startups share their ideas, insights and approaches. Lunch and learn with us and be inspired by our resident innovators!

The way people move around the urban environment is primed for dramatic change and traditional mobility pattern is set to be disrupted.

With advanced location data technology, marketers are now able to have the ability to understand how their customers move - physically and virtually - through the competitive landscape and get a more accurate picture of their needs and intent.

Learn about challenges in the current digital marketing ecosystem and how you can leverage Blis' movement data to drive efficiency and effectiveness in your next digital marketing campaign.

The session will cover these key areas:

  • What is Movement Data?

  • Why is location data technology important?

  • How can you use Movement Data to understand consumer behaviour?


12.00pm Introduction

12.15pm Lunch & Learn

12.45pm Q&A

1.00pm End


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Richard Andrew - Regional Group Director, Asia, Blis

About the Company:


Blis is the global leader in advanced location data technology. Our proprietary platform provides businesses with accurate location data and in-depth behavioural insights to serve digital content to audiences that are on the go.