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Microsoft tech series: Machine Learning and the Cloud

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Machine learning is a hot topic around the world. Many of the advances we've had in recent years owe much to the unique capabilities offered by cloud computing platforms. Not just simply large amounts of computing power, but also an explosion of data. 

Join us at our inaugural Microsoft Tech series, and be introduced to a primer on machine learning and discuss the ways that cloud computing is allowing us to build and deploy better models.


4.30pm - Guest arrival

5.00pm - Chris Auld talks A.I. + Q&A

6.00pm - Networking

About the Speaker:

Chris Auld, Principal Technical Evangelist Manager,
Southeast Asia, Microsoft

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Hi, my name is Chris and I’m one of the team at Microsoft in South East Asia helping people to build awesome startup businesses on top of our technology stack. I trained as both a lawyer and a technologist and while I’ve worked in the latter field, I maintain a strong interest in the former. I'm excited about the potential of technology to make the world a better place and I'm doing my damnedest to help people to harness that potential and put it into action.

I started my first business at age 15 in high school. Since then, I've been involved as a director, investor, advisor and/or team member in a number of ventures, most with successful exits or significant funding. In my free time, I enjoy skiing, mountain biking, climbing and other adventure activities.