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Yes, You Can Innovate - Discover your innovation strengths!


Join us in the sharing session by Natalie Turner, Founder and CEO of the Entheo Network and author of YES, YOU CAN INNOVATE.

is a practical how-to-guide to help you develop your innovation strengths. This book also allows you to use the free online profile to discover your strengths and improve your ability to create value out of new ideas.

You will then have the opportunity to explore some of the book's key themes in a highly interactive and experimental activity into the 6 'I's® of Innovation, the Model she designed to help people create ideas and make them work.

  • IDENTIFY opportunities by understanding trends, patterns and future areas of growth

  • IGNITE ideas by creating novel solutions

  • INVESTIGATE by prototyping, testing and researching ideas

  • INVEST by having the courage to create business models and persuade others

  • IMPLEMENT by making an idea happen and creating value from it

  • IMPROVE by optimising your ideas and learning from success and failure

Programme Highlight

Adam Lyle, Executive Chairman of Padang & Co, will share the importance of leveraging open innovation platforms and tools to stimulate new ideas and create a wider impact.

Natalie Turner will share what inspired her to write the book, and guide you through some of the book's key themes in an highly interactive and experiential way.

Networking Session

Tickets include light refreshments, a FREE profile of your innovation strengths (RRP SGD$80) and a signed copy of the book (RRP SGD$25).